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The pversion_check4mismatch() function checks if there is any mismatch between the currently loaded packages and the packages in the specified library path.

The pversion_report() function gives a table of all specified packages, with their loaded and installed versions, regardless if there is a mismatch or not.


pversion_check4mismatch(pkgs = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths())

pversion_report(pkgs = NULL, lib.loc = .libPaths())



a character vector with the package name(s).
Packages that are not actually loaded will be ignored.
Base/core R will also be ignored.
If NULL, all loaded packages (see loadedNamespaces) excluding core/base R will be checked.


character vector specifying library search path (the location of R library trees to search through).
The lib.loc argument would usually be .libPaths().
See also loadNamespace.


For pversion_check4mismatch():

If no mismatch between loaded versions and those in lib.loc were found, returns NULL.

Otherwise it returns a data.frame, with the loaded version and library version of the specified packages.

For pversion_report():

Returns a data.frame, with the loaded version and library version of the specified packages, as well as a logical column indicating whether the two versions are equal (TRUE), or not equal (FALSE).

See also


"dplyr" %installed in%  .libPaths()
#> dplyr 
#>  TRUE 

import_as(~dpr., "dplyr")
#> Importing packages and registering methods...
#> Done
#> You can now access the functions using `dpr.$`
#> For conflicts report, packages order, and other attributes, run `attr.import(dpr.)` 
#>        package version_loaded version_lib.loc versions_equal
#> 1    powerjoin          0.1.0           0.1.0           TRUE
#> 2         sass          0.4.9           0.4.9           TRUE
#> 3         utf8          1.2.4           1.2.4           TRUE
#> 4     generics          0.1.3           0.1.3           TRUE
#> 5        tidyr          1.3.1           1.3.1           TRUE
#> 6         xml2          1.3.6           1.3.6           TRUE
#> 7      stringi          1.8.4           1.8.4           TRUE
#> 8       digest         0.6.35          0.6.35           TRUE
#> 9     magrittr          2.0.3           2.0.3           TRUE
#> 10    evaluate           0.23            0.23           TRUE
#> 11     fastmap          1.1.1           1.1.1           TRUE
#> 12    jsonlite          1.8.8           1.8.8           TRUE
#> 13     whisker          0.4.1           0.4.1           TRUE
#> 14        httr          1.4.7           1.4.7           TRUE
#> 15       purrr          1.0.2           1.0.2           TRUE
#> 16       fansi          1.0.6           1.0.6           TRUE
#> 17   tidytable         0.11.0          0.11.0           TRUE
#> 18      scales          1.3.0           1.3.0           TRUE
#> 19 textshaping          0.3.7           0.3.7           TRUE
#> 20   jquerylib          0.1.4           0.1.4           TRUE
#> 21         cli          3.6.2           3.6.2           TRUE
#> 22       rlang          1.1.3           1.1.3           TRUE
#> 23     munsell          0.5.1           0.5.1           TRUE
#> 24     remotes          2.5.0           2.5.0           TRUE
#> 25       withr          3.0.0           3.0.0           TRUE
#> 26      cachem          1.0.8           1.0.8           TRUE
#> 27        yaml          2.3.8           2.3.8           TRUE
#> 28     memoise          2.0.1           2.0.1           TRUE
#> 29       dplyr          1.1.4           1.1.4           TRUE
#> 30  colorspace          2.1-0           2.1.0           TRUE
#> 31     ggplot2          3.5.1           3.5.1           TRUE
#> 32        curl          5.2.1           5.2.1           TRUE
#> 33       vctrs          0.6.5           0.6.5           TRUE
#> 34          R6          2.5.1           2.5.1           TRUE
#> 35   lifecycle          1.0.4           1.0.4           TRUE
#> 36          fs          1.6.4           1.6.4           TRUE
#> 37 htmlwidgets          1.6.4           1.6.4           TRUE
#> 38        ragg          1.3.1           1.3.1           TRUE
#> 39   pkgconfig          2.0.3           2.0.3           TRUE
#> 40        desc          1.4.3           1.4.3           TRUE
#> 41   tinycodet          0.5.4           0.5.4           TRUE
#> 42      gtable          0.3.5           0.3.5           TRUE
#> 43     pkgdown          2.0.9           2.0.9           TRUE
#> 44      pillar          1.9.0           1.9.0           TRUE
#> 45       bslib          0.7.0           0.7.0           TRUE
#> 46        glue          1.7.0           1.7.0           TRUE
#> 47  data.table         1.16.4          1.16.4           TRUE
#> 48        Rcpp       1.0.13-1           TRUE
#> 49 systemfonts          1.0.6           1.0.6           TRUE
#> 50    collapse         2.0.18          2.0.18           TRUE
#> 51        xfun           0.43            0.43           TRUE
#> 52      tibble          3.2.1           3.2.1           TRUE
#> 53  tidyselect          1.2.1           1.2.1           TRUE
#> 54  rstudioapi         0.16.0          0.16.0           TRUE
#> 55       knitr           1.46            1.46           TRUE
#> 56      farver          2.1.1           2.1.1           TRUE
#> 57   htmltools           TRUE
#> 58    labeling          0.4.3           0.4.3           TRUE
#> 59   rmarkdown           2.26            2.26           TRUE
#> 60     downlit          0.4.3           0.4.3           TRUE