Overview of the 'tinycodet' Extension of 'stringi'
R's numerical functions are generally very fast.
But R's native string functions are somewhat slow,
do not have a unified naming scheme,
and are not as comprehensive as R's impressive numerical functions.
The primary R-package that fixes this is 'stringi',
which many, if not most, string related packages depend on
(see the list of reverse-dependencies on CRAN).
As string manipulation is important to programming languages,
even those primarily focused on mathematics,
'tinycodet' adds a little bit new functionality to 'stringi'.
'tinycodet' adds the following functions to extend 'stringi':
Find \(i^{th}\) pattern occurrence (stri_locate_ith), or \(i^{th}\) text boundary (stri_locate_ith_boundaries).
'tinycodet' adds the following operators, to complement the already existing 'stringi' operators:
Infix operators for string arithmetic.
Infix operators for string sub-setting, which get or remove the first and/or last
characters from strings.Infix operators for detecting patterns, and strfind()<- for locating/extracting/replacing found patterns.
And finally, 'tinycodet' adds the somewhat separate
to cut strings into pieces without removing the delimiters.
Regarding Vector Recycling in the 'stringi'-based Functions
Generally speaking, vector recycling is supported as 'stringi' itself supports it also.
There are, however, a few exceptions.
First, matrix inputs
(like in strcut_loc and string sub-setting operators)
will generally not be recycled.
Second, the i
argument in stri_locate_ith does not support vector recycling.
Scalar recycling is virtually always supported.
Gagolewski M., stringi: Fast and portable character string processing in R, Journal of Statistical Software 103(2), 2022, 1–59, doi:10.18637/jss.v103.i02
# character vector:
x <- c("3rd 1st 2nd", "5th 4th 6th")
#> [1] "3rd 1st 2nd" "5th 4th 6th"
# detect if there are digits:
x %s{}% "\\d"
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
# find second last digit:
loc <- stri_locate_ith(x, i = -2, regex = "\\d")
stringi::stri_sub(x, from = loc)
#> [1] "1" "4"
# cut x into matrix of individual words:
mat <- strcut_brk(x, "word")
# sort rows of matrix using the fast %row~% operator:
rank <- stringi::stri_rank(as.vector(mat)) |> matrix(ncol = ncol(mat))
sorted <- mat %row~% rank
sorted[is.na(sorted)] <- ""
# join elements of every row into a single character vector:
stri_c_mat(sorted, margin = 1, sep = " ")
#> [1] " 1st 2nd 3rd" " 4th 5th 6th"