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These functions convert a list of integer subscripts to an integer matrix of coordinates, an integer matrix of coordinates to an integer vector of flat indices, and vice-versa.
Inspired by the sub2ind function from 'MatLab'.

  • sub2coord() converts a list of integer subscripts to an integer matrix of coordinates.

  • coord2ind() converts an integer matrix of coordinates to an integer vector of flat indices.

  • ind2coord() converts an integer vector of flat indices to an integer matrix of coordinates.

  • coord2sub() converts an integer matrix of coordinates to a list of integer subscripts;
    it performs a very simple (one might even say naive) conversion.

  • sub2ind() is a faster and more memory efficient version of
    coord2ind(sub2coord(sub, x.dims), x.dims)
    (especially for up to 8 dimensions).

All of these functions are written to be memory-efficient.
The coord2ind() is thus the opposite of arrayInd, and ind2coord is merely a convenient wrapper around arrayInd.

Note that the equivalent to the sub2ind function from 'MatLab' is actually the coord2ind() function here.


sub2coord(sub, x.dim)


coord2ind(coord, x.dim, checks = TRUE)

ind2coord(ind, x.dim)

sub2ind(sub, x.dim, checks = TRUE)



a list of integer subscripts.
The first element of the list corresponds to the first dimension (rows), the second element to the second dimensions (columns), etc.
The length of sub must be equal to the length of x.dim.
One cannot give an empty subscript; instead fill in something like seq_len(dim(x)[margin]).
NOTE: The coord2sub() function does not support duplicate subscripts.


an integer vector giving the dimensions of the array in question. I.e. dim(x).


an integer matrix, giving the coordinate indices (subscripts) to convert.
Each row is an index, and each column is the dimension.
The first columns corresponds to the first dimension, the second column to the second dimensions, etc.
The number of columns of coord must be equal to the length of x.dim.


Boolean, indicating if arguments checks should be performed.
Defaults to TRUE.
Can be set to FALSE for minor speed improvements.
[for performance: set to FALSE]


an integer vector, giving the flat position indices to convert.


For sub2coord() and ind2coord():

Returns an integer matrix of coordinates (with properties as described in argument coord).

For coord2ind():

Returns an numeric vector of flat indices (with properties as described in argument ind).

For coord2sub():

Returns a list of integer subscripts (with properties as described in argument sub)

For sub2ind():

Returns an integer vector of flat indices(if prod(x.dim) < (2^31 - 1)), or an numeric vector of flat indices (if prod(x.dim) >= (2^31 - 1)).


These functions were not specifically designed for duplicate indices per-sé.
For efficiency, they do not check for duplicate indices either.


x.dim <- c(10, 10, 3)
x.len <- prod(x.dim)
x <- array(1:x.len, x.dim)
sub <- list(c(4, 3), c(3, 2), c(2, 3))
coord <- sub2coord(sub, x.dim)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    4    3    2
#> [2,]    3    3    2
#> [3,]    4    2    2
#> [4,]    3    2    2
#> [5,]    4    3    3
#> [6,]    3    3    3
#> [7,]    4    2    3
#> [8,]    3    2    3
ind <- coord2ind(coord, x.dim)
#> [1] 124 123 114 113 224 223 214 213
all(x[ind] == c(x[c(4, 3), c(3, 2), c(2, 3)])) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
coord2 <- ind2coord(ind, x.dim)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    4    3    2
#> [2,]    3    3    2
#> [3,]    4    2    2
#> [4,]    3    2    2
#> [5,]    4    3    3
#> [6,]    3    3    3
#> [7,]    4    2    3
#> [8,]    3    2    3
all(coord == coord2) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
sub2 <- coord2sub(coord2)
sapply(1:3, \(i) sub2[[i]] == sub[[i]]) |> all() # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE