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Functions to rename a supported mutable object using pass-by-reference semantics:

  • sb_setFlatnames() renames the (flat) names of a mutable_atomic object.

  • sb_setDimnames() renames the dimension names of a mutable_atomic object.

  • sb2_setVarnames() renames the variable names of a data.table object.


sb_setFlatnames(x, i = NULL, newnames, ...)

sb_setDimnames(x, m, newdimnames, ...)

sb2_setVarnames(x, old, new, skip_absent = FALSE, ...)



a variable belonging to one of the supported mutable classes.


logical, numeric, character, or imaginary indices, indicating which flatnames should be changed.
If i = NULL, the names will be completely replaced.


Atomic character vector giving the new names.
Specifying NULL will remove the names.


see squarebrackets_method_dispatch.


integer vector giving the margin(s) for which to change the names (m = 1L for rows, m = 2L for columns, etc.).


a list of the same length as m.
The first element of the list corresponds to margin m[1], the second element to m[2], and so on.
The components of the list can be either NULL, or a character vector with the same length as the corresponding dimension.
Instead of a list, simply NULL can be specified, which will remove the dimnames completely.


the old column names


the new column names, in the same order as old


Skip items in old that are missing (i.e. absent) in names(x).
Default FALSE halts with error if any are missing.


Returns: VOID. This method modifies the object by reference.

Do not use assignment like names(x) <- sb_setRename(x, ...).

Since this function returns void, you'll just get NULL.


# mutable atomic vector ====
x <- y <- mutable_atomic(1:10, names = letters[1:10])
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
#> mutable_atomic 
#> typeof:  integer 
sb_setFlatnames(x, newnames = rev(letters[1:10]))
#>  j  i  h  g  f  e  d  c  b  a 
#>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
#> mutable_atomic 
#> typeof:  integer 

x <- y <- mutable_atomic(1:10, names = letters[1:10])
#>  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j 
#>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
#> mutable_atomic 
#> typeof:  integer 
sb_setFlatnames(x, 1L, "XXX")
#> XXX   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j 
#>   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 
#> mutable_atomic 
#> typeof:  integer 


# mutable atomic matrix ====
x <- mutable_atomic(
  1:20, dim = c(5, 4), dimnames = n(letters[1:5], letters[1:4])
#>   a  b  c  d
#> a 1  6 11 16
#> b 2  7 12 17
#> c 3  8 13 18
#> d 4  9 14 19
#> e 5 10 15 20
#> mutable_atomic 
#> typeof:  integer 
  lapply(dimnames(x), rev)
#>   d  c  b  a
#> e 1  6 11 16
#> d 2  7 12 17
#> c 3  8 13 18
#> b 4  9 14 19
#> a 5 10 15 20
#> mutable_atomic 
#> typeof:  integer 


# data.table ====

x <- data.table::data.table(
  a = 1:20,
  b = letters[1:20]
#>         a      b
#>     <int> <char>
#>  1:     1      a
#>  2:     2      b
#>  3:     3      c
#>  4:     4      d
#>  5:     5      e
#>  6:     6      f
#>  7:     7      g
#>  8:     8      h
#>  9:     9      i
#> 10:    10      j
#> 11:    11      k
#> 12:    12      l
#> 13:    13      m
#> 14:    14      n
#> 15:    15      o
#> 16:    16      p
#> 17:    17      q
#> 18:    18      r
#> 19:    19      s
#> 20:    20      t
#>         a      b
sb2_setVarnames(x, old = names(x), new = rev(names(x)))
#>         b      a
#>     <int> <char>
#>  1:     1      a
#>  2:     2      b
#>  3:     3      c
#>  4:     4      d
#>  5:     5      e
#>  6:     6      f
#>  7:     7      g
#>  8:     8      h
#>  9:     9      i
#> 10:    10      j
#> 11:    11      k
#> 12:    12      l
#> 13:    13      m
#> 14:    14      n
#> 15:    15      o
#> 16:    16      p
#> 17:    17      q
#> 18:    18      r
#> 19:    19      s
#> 20:    20      t
#>         b      a